Drought Resilient Soils

Full Name: Building farming systems resilience and future proofing the impacts of drought through accelerating the adoption of proven cost-effective and yield responsive soil and fertiliser management practices by farmers across southern Australia

Project Lead: Mallee Sustainable Farming

Funding Body: Future Drought Fund Extension and Adoption of Drought Resilience Farming Practices Grants Program


The project aims to focus on accelerating the adoption of a range of farming practices that are considered to lead to increased farming systems resilience both during dry seasonal conditions and also when transitioning from drought years to hopefully better seasonal conditions. The project has identified a range of technologies and innovations that satisfy the following criteria;

  • Best management practices – focused on soil resource base 
  • Practices that have evolved through on-farm research and trialling that can be either in the early stages of adoption or mature practices (that over time may have bene dis-adopted).
  • Basis of the opportunity of the practice to contribute to building systems resilience

Contact: Jade Rose, UNFS, 0448866865