Improving Water Security on Farm – Eudunda
Improving water security on farm
The Northern and Yorke Landscape Board is hosting a half-day session to support farmers in making water security, monitoring and management decisions for livestock and farm water supplies.
Presenter Brian Hughes from PIRSA/SARDI will help participants create a water ‘budget’. You’ll learn how to:
- work out your water storage capacity and service needs
- assess water supply requirements for livestock and farm use
- work through supply costings
- compare various water supply options
- increase the water available on farm
The day will also include information on managing watercourses, Water Affecting Activities and how to apply for a permit.
The session will start with a visit to a lined catchment, where you’ll hear how this water capturing system has benefited a local farm business.
PLUS: Bring a water sample along in a clean, labelled bottle and we’ll test the salinity levels of your water on site.
Lunch will be provided.
This project is supported by the Northern and Yorke Landscape Board, PIRSA and Agricultural Bureau of SA through funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.
For more information and to register: