Efficient Grain Production compared with N20 Emissions

To communicate to growers and agribusiness what, when, how and why N2O emissions impact on farming systems: ‐ to increase farmer knowledge about N2O emissions made from fertiliser and legumes; ‐ reveal options available to reduce N20 emissions; to provide information about nutrient use efficiency that maximises productivity. Nitrous Oxide Factsheet UNFS Nitrous Oxide Emissions…

More Effective weed control and reducing pesticide use in broadacre landscapes by using optical sensing devices to detect and “spot spray” weeds

The objectives of this project were, • To evaluate the suitability of “spot spray” technology to control weeds on farming land in the Upper North • To monitor weed control success on “hard to control” summer weeds such as fleabane, onion weed, saltbush type weeds • To record the reduction in pesticide and water use…

Profit and Risk Management

To improve participants understanding of their farming business in terms of profitability and risk to enable improved decision making for more resilient farm businesses. Results published in Annual Year Book Funding Body: Low Rainfall Collaboration Project Project Duration: 2011- 2014