Frost Extension in the Upper North

Full Name: Frost Extension in the Upper North   Funding Body: GRDC   Aim of the demo site is to provide land managers with confidence in timely decision making around frost impacts. Ability to convert a part-paddock into an alternative hay crop before biomass becomes un-palatable. Tools for working with advisors and with machinery operators…

Agrifutures Producer Technology Uptake

Full Name: Incorporating digital farming for improved productivity in the Upper North of SA   Funding Body: Agrifutures Australia   Currently, key barriers to on farm technology adoption in the Upper North of South Australia are confidence and perceived return on investment. There is a gap in the skills and knowledge to access and interpret…

Sheep Technology Group

The Sheep Technology Group aims to: Explore and share experiences and knowledge on ways that precision livestock management technologies can be used in red meat and wool production. Learn from experts on how technologies could assist you to improve productivity, efficiency and profitability in your business. Support sheep producer members to implement and apply technology…

Rural Business Management 101 Upskilling the women of the Upper North in Sustainable and Productive Farming Principles

The upskilling program will involve a women only series of workshops, delivered largely by women, to create a positive learning environment where women can ask questions in a nonthreatening setting.Topics covered will include: Agronomy, Precision Agriculture, Sustainable Farming Practices, Product Marketing and Business Management. Funding Body: National Landcare Program SAGIT Project Duration: 2016 – 2017…