Common Native Grasses Guide 2023

Managing Dry Saline Soils in The Upper North and YP

Understanding Water movement throughout different soil profiles across the Upper North

Demonstrating vetch mix options to reduce soil erosion whilst maintaining  nitrogen fixation

Use of precision Ag mapping to identify and ameliorate pH variation economically

Using Satelite Imagery to Inform Adaptive Management

UNFS Agrifutures Producer Tech Uptake Fact Sheet: How to use Precision Ag Map Layers to think about frost differently

Literature Review – A farmer friendly guide to sub-soil management across the Upper North

UNFS Agrifutures Producer Tech Uptake Fact Sheet: How to use Precision Ag Data Layers to accurately and economically soil test

Pulse Check Case Study Focus 2021: Frost, Heat, Drought

2018 UNFS Soil Acidity Factsheet

2018 Pulse Extension Project

Native Grass Nutrition

Pasture Regeneration & Improved Pasture Utilisation

Stubble Management – Harvest Period – Managing stubble at harvest

Stubble Management – Harvest Period – Mechanical stubble management

Stubble Management – Harvest Period – Crop nutrition

Stubble Management – Post-harvest period – Monitoring stubble

Stubble Management – Post-harvest period – More or less stubble

Stubble Management – Post-harvest period – Break crops

Stubble Management – Post-harvest period – Stubble grazing

Stubble Management – Sowing period – Seeding into stubble retained systems

Stubble Management – Sowing period – Inter-row sowing

Stubble Management – Sowing period – Weed control at sowing

Stubble Management – Pests in stubble retained systems – Mice

Stubble Management – Pests in stubble retained systems – Earwigs

Stubble Management – Pests in stubble retained systems – Millipedes

Stubble Management – Pests in stubble retained systems – Snails

Stubble Management – Weeds & diseases in stubble retained systems – Flaxleaf fleabane

Stubble Management – Weeds & diseases in stubble retained systems – Maireana

Stubble Management – Weeds & diseases in stubble retained systems – Onion weed

Stubble Management – Weeds & diseases in stubble retained systems – Statice

Stubble Management – Weeds & diseases in stubble retained systems – Crown rot

Stubble Management – Weeds & diseases in stubble retained systems – White grain disorder

Stubble Management – Weeds & diseases in stubble retained systems – Yellow leaf spot

2013 Seeder Demonstration

Sowing Native Grasses

Forage Shrubs in Low Rainfall Farming Systems

Nitrous Oxide