Drought Resilient Soils

Full Name: Building farming systems resilience and future proofing the impacts of drought through accelerating the adoption of proven cost-effective and yield responsive soil and fertiliser management practices by farmers across southern Australia Project Lead: Mallee Sustainable Farming Funding Body: Future Drought Fund Extension and Adoption of Drought Resilience Farming Practices Grants Program Objective:  The…

De-Risking Dry and Early Seeding

Full Name: De-risking the seeding program: adoption of key management practices for the success of dry and early sown crops Project Lead: Ag Ex Alliance Funding Body: Future Drought Fund Extension and Adoption of Drought Resilience Farming Practices Grants Program Objective:  To help growers make informed decisions on the strategies they can employ when early…

Growing Carbon Farming Demonstration Pilot

Full Name: Growing Carbon Pilot Project Lead: UNFS Funding Body: PIRSA The growing carbon pilot project aims to: • Demonstrate a carbon farming method and or practice that has application for the SouthAustralian primary industry sector. • Demonstrate how carbon farming activities contribute to revenue and jobs in South Australia. • Demonstrate and quantify the…

National Risk Management Initiative

Full Name: National Risk Management Initiative Project Lead: Hart Field Site Group Funding Body: GRDC The National Risk Management Initiative (NRMI) aims to understand and improve risk-reward outcomes for Australian grain growers through participatory action research (PAR). The NRMI involves grower groups across South Australia including Hart Field Site Group (lead), Upper North Farming Systems,…

Farming Systems South

Full Name: Enterprise Choice and sequencing for profitability and sustainability Project Lead: The University of Adelaide Funding Body: GRDC This project aims to deliver a better understanding of the water-limited potential of farming systems and what drives profitability and sustainability across the Southern Growing Regions. There are 9 sites across South Australia and Victoria. It…

Canola Profitability

Full Name: Canola Profitability in the Upper North Funding Body: SAGIT This trial aims to inform grower decision making by exploring of new technology in Canola which could see it become a more reliable and viable break crop option in the Upper North Agricultural Zone (UN). A key factor of this trial is improving the…

PDS 2 Lotsa Lambs

Full Name: Lotsa Lambs: Improving Reproduction Success Funding Body: Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) UNFS is running a Producer Demonstration Site project for three years in 2022, 2023 and 2024. The first two demonstration sites are sheep producers located near Caltowie and Gladstone. Sheep were pregnancy scanned and split into single and multiple bearing ewes.…

PDS 1 Improved Pasture Management Systems

Full Name: Improved Pasture Management Systems Funding Body: Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) The aim of this project is to improve the pasture management systems implemented in the Upper North of South Australia through demonstrating: Better pasture options that improve the mixed farming enterprise That a better understanding of Food On Offer, including feed budgeting…

Pulse Extension

Full Name: Demonstration and Extension to close the economic yield gap & maximise farming systems benefits from grain legume production in SA Funding Body: GRDC delivered in partnership with SARDI Aims to annually plan and design trial and extension activities and objectives to assist growers in better managing economic opportunities and risks associated with growing…